Vaccination Reporting

Dear Parents,

According to the requirements of the Dongguan Education Bureau, it is necessary for us to  carry out vaccination checks on students who are under the age of 14 in school.  If your child is currently studying in N3 – Grade 7  , please submit the relevant documents according to the following requirements.

根据东莞教育局的要求,现需对入托、入学儿童进行预防接种查验。查验对象为 14 岁以下适龄学生 。  如果您的小孩现就读N3 – 7年级,恳请您根据以下的内容提交相关文件。

  1. Students shall be vaccinated in Dongguan or China:

Please follow DG CDC , generate <vacination review report >, and submit copies of your child’s vaciation records , together with  <vacination review report >.

  • Following is how you can generate a <vacination review report >.

Follow DG CDC in Wechat

预防接种 (Vaccination)

查验证明( review report)

2.  Students vaccinated abroad (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) :

Please submit copies of the latest vaccination records.

3. Student who has not received any immunizations, please submit “Immunization Waiver 免疫豁免” .
不接受免疫接种的学生,请提交“Immunization Waiver 免疫豁免”。

Please detach, fill-out, sign, and return along with the supporting evidence that this has been reported to the Dongguan-CDC.
If you have another Student living in your household.
If you have another Student living in your house hold
If you have another Student living in your house hold
If you have another Student living in your house hold,
Please provide the Parent or Guardian's Name and email to verify this submission for your family.