Update from January 31
Dear Parents and Guardians of TLC International School,
I hope that this letter finds you and your family healthy and safe. I am sure that all of you have been following the news on the development of the novel coronaviruses in the country. I understand that you might feel concerned and unsure of what will be happening in the future and how schools in China will be responding to provide a safe environment for all the students.
As we receive more updates from the authorities, we will be sharing the most important information with you. I want to give you an update on what TLC has been doing recently to ensure our student and staff safety.
We have continuously been in contact with the appropriate authorities providing them with the information they request. Our biggest goal right now is to collect all of our students’ and staff traveling and health history. Our Administration office has been updating the education department daily as we receive the information from our community. Please remember to fill out any forms posted in your child’s classroom chats. It is everybody’s responsibility to cooperate together to create safe grounds for us and our children. If you have been in the infected area, please make sure you notify the school. Just to be on the safe side, keep your ticket information on when you return to Dongguan.
Our Administration has also been working on creating Prevention and Control Plans as well as an Emergency Control Plan. We will be putting together an Emergency team that will be in charge of monitoring that our staff and students follow the prevention and control procedures established in those plans. Once the authorities approve our plans, we will be sharing the most pertinent information with you to help you prepare for when the school resumes.
As of now, schools are not allowed to resume until February 17. If no changes occur and the date does not get pushed back, we will use February 17 as a staff workday. We will disinfect our campus, prepare all the facilities appropriately, and hold whole staff training on illness prevention and response. All students will receive instructions on personal and respiratory hygiene on the first day of school, which will be February 18. Please bear in mind that these dates are susceptible to change. We will inform you in advance of any changes.
It is unsure how long the quarantine will last, and I believe you all have questions of how we will make up for the missed classes. We have decided to provide online classes for all of our students starting February 5. You will be receiving more guidelines from your teachers in the next few days. Our teachers will be available to answer any questions you might have during the online learning period. It is important that you acknowledge that days with online classes will be considered as days of attendance.
Meanwhile, we all must pay great attention to preventing the spreading of the virus and educating ourselves and our children on how to stay safe. We advise that you do the following:
- Keep good personal and respiratory hygiene.
- Avoid contact with wild animals and birds.
- Maintain good health by sleeping enough, staying hydrated, and exercising.
- Maintain proper ventilation in your home.
- Minimize outdoor activities.
- Wear a proper mask in the right way when going outside.
- If you have any respiratory symptoms, please go to a designated hospital.
- Educate your children on preventative measures.
Please make sure to follow any updates that we will be posting in your child’s class WeChat groups and our Website.
If you have any questions, please contact me at apientsova@tlcdg.com.
Ana Patenaude
Head of TLC International School
根据规定,学校要到2月17日才能复课。如果复课日期没有变更与推后, 2月17日将作为我们的员工工作日,届时我们会对校园进行全面的消毒,确保所有设施都准备就绪,同时我们会对全体员工开展预防和应对疾病的培训。2月18日为学生的开学日,当天,学生将会接受个人及呼吸道卫生方面的教导。请记住,这些日期会根据规定的改变而改变。如果有任何的变动,我们将及时通知您。
- 保持良好的个人及呼吸道卫生.
- 避免接触野生动物和鸟类
- 通过充足的睡眠、补水和锻炼来保持身体健康。
- 在家中保持良好的通风。
- 减少户外活动。
- 外出时应正确佩戴口罩。
- 如有呼吸道疾病的症状,请到指定医院就诊。
- 教育孩子预防的措施。
Ana Patenaude